In today's market you could get fooled into thinking that a stock is a great bargain and the best stocks to buy now. When you are shopping for a stock, don't buy it just because it has a low price earnings ratio, that is not the see all indicator according to Toreador Logical Fund from Fresno Ca.
What you want to be on the look out for is stocks offered at a good price, this must also coincide with a strong acquisitions or balance sheets, or both if you get real good. This will give you very favorable growth. Here are the picks.
CVS Caremark Corporation
CVS just recently acquired the long's drug chain to become the largest pharmacy chain in the nation. You are going to see some steady growth out of this company as the Health Budget battle wages on. At$28
Kohl's Stores
Kohl's is a value price store that is part department store and part discounter. They are a mid range pricing store. A little higher end than Wal-Mart and not as high end as Macy's. Kohl's is in a perfect place to pick up a lions share of business when the economy picks up. As the customers that migrated to Wal-Mart to save money, when they migrate back up, the first stop will be Kohl's. At $38
With its up and growing database, application companies and product support companies it has acquired, like PeopleSoft, Bea and Seybold, Oracle has rounded out it services. Oracles database business is gaining share in the market and will steadily eat up its competition. Look for good things in the next few years out of this company. At $18
That is the list of the growth picks for this quarter, so get in now and watch the growth in the coming years. Just learn from your experiences and it is wise if you also use stock research tools which can predict a stock market result before picking a stock. - 29970
What you want to be on the look out for is stocks offered at a good price, this must also coincide with a strong acquisitions or balance sheets, or both if you get real good. This will give you very favorable growth. Here are the picks.
CVS Caremark Corporation
CVS just recently acquired the long's drug chain to become the largest pharmacy chain in the nation. You are going to see some steady growth out of this company as the Health Budget battle wages on. At$28
Kohl's Stores
Kohl's is a value price store that is part department store and part discounter. They are a mid range pricing store. A little higher end than Wal-Mart and not as high end as Macy's. Kohl's is in a perfect place to pick up a lions share of business when the economy picks up. As the customers that migrated to Wal-Mart to save money, when they migrate back up, the first stop will be Kohl's. At $38
With its up and growing database, application companies and product support companies it has acquired, like PeopleSoft, Bea and Seybold, Oracle has rounded out it services. Oracles database business is gaining share in the market and will steadily eat up its competition. Look for good things in the next few years out of this company. At $18
That is the list of the growth picks for this quarter, so get in now and watch the growth in the coming years. Just learn from your experiences and it is wise if you also use stock research tools which can predict a stock market result before picking a stock. - 29970
About the Author: - Use reliable stock market research software to determine the best stocks to buy now