The Credit Card Debt Survival Guide Is for Those Who Cannot Make Their Monthly Payments

By Matthew Highlander

The Credit Card Debt Survival Guide gives readers for the first time all of the approaches to relief from credit card debt in one well-organized e-book.

Legally fighting off debt collectors and junk debt buyers, defeating court action and arbitration, truly effective debt settlement, understanding debt relief swindles, getting help, and repairing a credit rating, each with sufficient detail to take action, are in this 240-page e-book.

According to the author, the book?s 76-item table of contents helps readers quickly find the information they need. Links to credible websites and original forum postings are also included in each chapter. These links backup the guide?s recommendations for debt relief. Sample letters and language for important written communications are also included.

For people being hounded by debt collectors or for those in receipt of a court summons for credit card debt, the guide shows them how to properly respond in writing and explains why so few people mistakenly do not bother to respond. For people worried about making their next payment, there are guidelines for working with creditors and for preventing actions that debt collectors can take advantage of later on.

The Credit Card Debt Survival Guide sells for $39.95 at and comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee. The author, Mel Thompson, found relief for his own credit card problems. He wrote the Credit Card Debt Survival Guide, adding a lot of research to what he learned from his own experiences..

So far feedback has been positive, according to Thompson. Readers like the ability to sort through all of the debt relief options that are available and view them in the context of their ability to pay or not pay their credit card debt. In addition, the book helps them protect themselves from both sides of the debt industry; debt collectors and shady debt relief services, he says. - 29970

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